This is a restart of a blog I began in 2007, primarily to make friends and get solid information about a proposed (and ultimately aborted) walk across Scotland. The blog was named after the standard retort when I told friends what I was up to: “You’re Walking Across…What?”
That blog retained for a long time its focus on the out-of-doors, with a bit on running and other sweaty endeavors, though it expanded into other areas (granddaughters, for example). It wound down as I did through my late 60s, but I like to write, and I decided to freshen things up a bit and get back to it. (Fear not, newcomers! All 673 scintillating “What?” posts have migrated with me to WordPress. You’ll be able to find out all about lousy rain gear and boots that didn’t fit.)
Ah. Glad you asked. Catswamp is the name of the road I was raised on. (Actually, it was Cat Swamp, but I like it the other way better as a title.)
Okay. Let’s kick it.
(Many, many thanks to MR for doing all—all—the work on this transition. We worked together on our high school yearbook oh, five or ten years ago, and it’s still a the best kind of fun, although this time I was simply along for the ride.