We were together in Concord last weekend, and poor sweet B was a bit under the weather, both teething and suffering through a chest cold. So we had a bit more Miss Crankypants than usual. But she was mostly still her sunny self.
She’s really into gerunds right now: “Sleeping,” “Holding” (which actually comes out, “Hoding”), “Running,” and so on. One of her big ones is “Hiding.” But she hasn’t quite figured out how hide-and-seek works. I think she’s supposed to be Seeking here.
Another one, of course, is “Eating.” Which is usually closely followed by someone going straight to “Washing.”
She’s also become something of an auteur du photographie, wandering around Shooting with whatever digital camera is handiest. Here is her recent study, “Summer Wine”…
… not to be confused with “Whining,” which we actually heard a lot less of than we might have expected under the circumstances. Regardless, of course, B remains … Supercool.