A really interesting article in yesterday’s New York Times about archiving digital material, featuring Salmon Rushdie and Emory University, my niece R’s alma mater. “…archivists are finding themselves trying to fend off digital extinction at the same time that they … Continue reading

Chuffed and rectified

There’s a brief passage in Patrick O’Brian’s Wine Dark Sea , in which Jack Aubrey’s “ill-faced, ill-tempered, atrabilious, shrewish” steward, Preserved Killick, decides to add a little something extra to the drops he’s applying to his captain’s wounded eye. “Why,” … Continue reading


If I had gone on that New Zealand trip, I’d be getting home today: fit, tanned (or at least nicely burned), and full of beans. Instead, I’m a flabby, pasty-faced, crabby, slug. But as Brooklyn fans used to say every … Continue reading


Between the titanic struggles of a first haircut and a last-minute trimming of the toenails, we spent a wonderful few days with sweet B, her mama and dada, and—of course— Jasper the Wonderdog. We had a well-bundled walk, some de-bundled … Continue reading