Wilby’s Brilliant Quarterback

The office effort continues, but every time I think I’m nearing an acceptable level of accumulated bumf, something turns up, now often in the boxes and files I’d brought down from Dad’s house.

Yesterday it was a never-before-seen (by me anyway) file of newspaper articles about my father’s high school football days. His parents weren’t the type to keep this sort of thing, and he certainly wasn’t. (“You know what people will be doing with that tomorrow?” he said to me once when I was perusing a few sentences about a ballgame I’d been in. “Wrapping garbage in it.”)

The Alvarez boys have always loved the razz, so it’s fair to assume I would have been unmerciful about this 1940 clip if he was still around:

Alvarez Ready to Play
Against Strong Club
From New City


Captain Dick Alvarez, Wilby’s
brilliant quarterback who was in-
jured Oct. 5 in a game with An-
sonia, has been reported completely
recovered and “rarin” to go in the
Wildcats game with Torrington at
the Municipal Stadium Saturday.

[First of all, isn’t “Lloyd Lateral just about the best name you could think of for a guy writing about football?]

I’m not sure if I would have had more fun with the “brilliant” or the “rarin”, but I probably wouldn’t have let either of them pass unremarked upon.

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