
Due to an outbreak of Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease at B’s day care (she didn’t catch it, but the other three little ones are down with it), I’ve been called north for a spot of emergency baby sitting. This is a major bummer, forcing me to forgo Woodbury yard work to snuggle, sing, play, go to the playground, wander around town, and sneak off to get ice cream with sweet B. She’s napping at the moment, surrounded by a number of curiously soft friends, and I’m sipping tea, but we’ll soon be off on our afternoon rounds.

There’s an article in the New York Times this morning about a bill that has passed the New York State Senate mandating for nannies and similar workers paid vacation days and sick days, overtime wages and either 14 days’ notice of dismissal or termination pay. I’ll be leaving it on H’s pillow, because I’m very badly treated here. Cheap chocolate on the pillow last night, and still water rather than sparkling on the bedside table. It’s that paid vacation I’m really angling for.

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