Somebody named Zooey Deschanel sang the U.S. National Anthem before the fourth game of the World Series the other day. (Great Series, by the way.) Many people were angered that she went for a softer, dare I say gentler, version … Continue reading
Monthly Archives: October 2011
When I was studying English and American Lit eons ago, we could trace over eras shifting tastes for Fielding v. Richardson. Or Fitzgerald v. Hemingway. Or name your two favorite natural rivals. My own taste has lately shifted strongly toward … Continue reading
Sweet B, crunching away in the back seat as we drive along: “Out and about is good for apples.”
New York Times: Amazon Signs Up Authors, Writing Publishers Out of Deal … Continue reading
I forgot to note that this event, superbly organized by committed volunteers, went off like clockwork, and despite very heavy rains early in the morning, made a fair amount of money for its cause. I had been planning to do … Continue reading
Sweet B, saying goodbye to grandparents Sunday afternoon: “Drive safely. And don’t spit in the car … Ever!” … Continue reading
Still thoroughly dysfunctional, I grabbed onto A’s ice-axe loop and he pulled me up the remarkable Chemin de la Mâture (usually translated “way of the masts,” though I think “mast path” or “mast road” is more idiomatic). This is a … Continue reading
The cold that had begun to take hold of my breathing apparatus during the walk up to the Col de Pétragème really knocked me for a loop, and I spent most of the next day dozing, blowing my nose, and … Continue reading
This was an odd one, in a way. We had planned to walk to the Cabane d’Ansabère, then head south and east past the Lac d’Ansabère, and up and over the ridge into Spain. Then we’d head down to the … Continue reading
… expressed one of sweet B’s grandmothers. B, playing on the kitchen floor: Bless you, Deen. Grandmother, gratified: Thank you, B. B, reabsorbed in play: You’re welcome, Sweetie. … Continue reading